Wednesday 17 June 2015

Update So Far

this is the new network diagram after hours of meeting with the stakeholder and expplaining the new risk that we face i.e. the IP address scheme wasnt enough to accomodate a network with three routers and five swithces. the final agreement was to have a network with one router that connects to the internet, a class B IP addrewss scheme instead of class C, a switch inbetween the router and the computers. the picture below shows the new network diagram.
Becuase of this problem that we faced the IP address, it delayed the project a bit but it is still on course to finish in the time set by te stakeholders. This means that the Gantt chart and critical path will change due to the  changes made to the dates and times on the gantt chart. the picture below shows the new critical path and the new gantt chart which is up to date.

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