Friday 22 May 2015

Network Analysis and Operating system Installation

This morning we did our system analysis in C408. the system analysis entailed detailed inspection of all the computers and devices we arer going to use for the network. this process or task went on well and fast much faster than anticipated.

so there was enough time and resources available to do different taks so we started installing the operating system. the start date for this task was due for 26/05/2015 but the room will not be available and also the first task for the day went on fast so we decided to take on that task.

our Gantt chart has been updated and all task that is overlapped has been resolved. all the computers involved has been formatted and re-installed with new operating systems. The picture below shows the new Gantt chart.

The picture below shows the picture of the clients set up in the class (c408).

The was suppose to be a fifth client computer but becauseof space contraints and health and safety issues, we couldnt add it. we've informed the client and we received a go ahead to go on without the fifth client computer.

the Email confirmation from the client is as below. clients have given us the go ahead to continue the project.

from the email, the clients advice we amend the network diagram to fit the new adjustment. the picture below shows the new network diagram with the new adjustment agreed by the clients and the project manager.

Project Risk Assessment

Project Name: Network                                                      Project Manager: Lawrence Baffour

Probability (H/M/L)
Lack of Funding
If we do not have enough funding we may be unable to acquire required software if it is needed.
One possibility would be to use free alternatives to the software we need such as Linux for computer operating systems, this would be useable with Cisco’s software and fit for purpose but it may be harder for students to use in the future if they don’t know how to use it though it would be valuable for them to learn anyway.
Health and safety
The impact of this is injury, if there is injury then we will have to rethink how we work and it may prevent us finishing the project.
The way to stop health and safety being an issue is to just pay close enough to it, make sure we’re working safely with the equipment we need. Make sure we know what each group member is doing so if someone is doing something with capable that could trip someone else up the other person is aware to be a bit more careful then normal.
Lack of equipment and resources
If we do not have the required equipment for whatever reason be it the computers we need to use, the port for access to the internet or the room to actually build the network in we will not be able to complete the project.
If we have less equipment then expected we may need to adjust the scope of our project to be less ambitious to fit the equipment we have access to. If we do not have the port then this project cannot really be salvaged as the main part of the project was to enable internet access on this network for Cisco students to use with their studies. The room to build the network may just require us to do different days than normal to be able access the room if on our normal days the rooms we need are unavailable.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Equipment Gathering

this afternoon, myslef and john did an equipment gathering to make sure all the devices needed are present and working. The pictures below is an evidence of the work done today.

Logical Design of Network

Logical Design of the network design. Showing all devices with their labels .

Documentation (PID)

Project Initiation Document


Project Name: Network
Project Team: Lawrence Baffour
Project Deadline: 17/06/2015

Main project objective
The main goal of this project is to produce a new working network at the college which connects directly to the internet instead of a proxy server. This network will consist of 3 routers, 3 switches, five computers and an active directory server. We have being allocated a direct port to the internet to use for this purpose.

Stakeholders (and the effect that the project is likely to have on them)
The overall client really is the college, so Karen is my main stakeholder and I will be having meetings with her. This provides the college with a network they can use for studies with Cisco in the future, that isn’t limited by the college’s proxy servers which prevents a lot of normal activities in the Cisco work from taking place. This project essentially enables the college to provide a higher level of education for its networking studies across the board as the limitations will no longer be a factor. This means the students will gain a more practical knowledge of networking then they currently can

Content of project (main events)
I have to look at each computer and evaluate the current condition of them, will they need operating systems to be put on them or are they fit to be used as they are, is the current operating system fit for purpose if they do have one. Once I have set up each computer with an operating system that is suitable, I can start to build the network in stages as stated. I will have to devise a subnet scheme for the network for future purposes so that the network can be increased in the future if necessary.

ü  The first event is to set up the main router so that it can connect to the internet, with a peer to peer computer connected to it to test the routers ability to communicate and provide internet access though this computer will be removed later.
ü  The second step is to test the connectivity of the connection between the router and the computer connected to it and also make sure the computer can access the internet if needed.
ü  The next step it to introduce a network communication medium between the computer and the router. This will allow other computers to access the internet through the router. In this case a switch will be appropriate because of its intelligence as compared to a hub. If this part of the network works, the second section of the network will be introduced with a router and a switch. This is where the sub-netting scheme comes in.
ü  The next step or section of this whole project while the network bit is done and working is to introduce a server environment into the network. This will allow students to have individual user accounts while working on the server and it will also allow all the computers on the network to be centrally controlled through the server.  This bit is not a necessity but it will be good to have it as part of the network.
Potential risks
ü  Lack of funding
ü  lack of equipment and resources
ü  health and safety
ü  college’s internet (Network) going down.

Project team and roles
John Whitter and Lawrence Baffour we will be working together to produce the network from devising IP schemes to agreeing to changes together, we’ll both take part in the implementation of the network as the group is small it will be required.

How project success will be evaluated
ü  On the time it takes to build the network
ü  The ability to meet deadlines appropriately
ü  The stability of the network on its set up
ü  The ability for it to have more computers and subnets added expandability is one of the largest concerns with a network.
ü  Cost needs to be low though I cannot imagine that there is much which will cost as most of the resources are already provided by the college. It also needs to be finished by the 17th of June.
ü  The minimum target for this project is to have one computer connected to a router and access the internet through the router.