Friday 22 May 2015

Network Analysis and Operating system Installation

This morning we did our system analysis in C408. the system analysis entailed detailed inspection of all the computers and devices we arer going to use for the network. this process or task went on well and fast much faster than anticipated.

so there was enough time and resources available to do different taks so we started installing the operating system. the start date for this task was due for 26/05/2015 but the room will not be available and also the first task for the day went on fast so we decided to take on that task.

our Gantt chart has been updated and all task that is overlapped has been resolved. all the computers involved has been formatted and re-installed with new operating systems. The picture below shows the new Gantt chart.

The picture below shows the picture of the clients set up in the class (c408).

The was suppose to be a fifth client computer but becauseof space contraints and health and safety issues, we couldnt add it. we've informed the client and we received a go ahead to go on without the fifth client computer.

the Email confirmation from the client is as below. clients have given us the go ahead to continue the project.

from the email, the clients advice we amend the network diagram to fit the new adjustment. the picture below shows the new network diagram with the new adjustment agreed by the clients and the project manager.

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