Friday 22 May 2015

Project Risk Assessment

Project Name: Network                                                      Project Manager: Lawrence Baffour

Probability (H/M/L)
Lack of Funding
If we do not have enough funding we may be unable to acquire required software if it is needed.
One possibility would be to use free alternatives to the software we need such as Linux for computer operating systems, this would be useable with Cisco’s software and fit for purpose but it may be harder for students to use in the future if they don’t know how to use it though it would be valuable for them to learn anyway.
Health and safety
The impact of this is injury, if there is injury then we will have to rethink how we work and it may prevent us finishing the project.
The way to stop health and safety being an issue is to just pay close enough to it, make sure we’re working safely with the equipment we need. Make sure we know what each group member is doing so if someone is doing something with capable that could trip someone else up the other person is aware to be a bit more careful then normal.
Lack of equipment and resources
If we do not have the required equipment for whatever reason be it the computers we need to use, the port for access to the internet or the room to actually build the network in we will not be able to complete the project.
If we have less equipment then expected we may need to adjust the scope of our project to be less ambitious to fit the equipment we have access to. If we do not have the port then this project cannot really be salvaged as the main part of the project was to enable internet access on this network for Cisco students to use with their studies. The room to build the network may just require us to do different days than normal to be able access the room if on our normal days the rooms we need are unavailable.

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